Category: Uncategorized

Research seminar by Ravi Ramamurti

IIM K hosted its Twelfth research seminar on January 17, 2024, for the year 2023-24. It was conducted by Prof. RAVI RAMAMURTI Distinguished Professor of International Business & Strategy and Founding Director of the Center for Emerging Markets at Northeastern University. The topic was How can scholars use the Indian context to publish research that has universal relevance?   Abstract …Read more »

Research seminar by SURESH GOVINDARAJ

IIM K hosted its eleventh research seminar on January 04, 2024, for the year 2023-24. It was conducted by PROF. SURESH GOVINDARAJ, Professor and Director of the Ph.D. and DBA Programs, Rutgers University, USA. The topic was Valuation of Accruals and Investor Intertemporal Consumption-Investment Choices.    The abstract of the talk is given below. The concept of accruals is arguably …Read more »

Research Seminar by VIKAS KUMAR

IIM K hosted its tenth research seminar on December 12, 2023, for the year 2023-24. It was conducted by Professor Vikas Kumar, Head of Discipline, International Business, University of Sydney. The topic was “Using Emerging Market Context to Advance International Business Research”   The abstract of the talk is given below. The large majority of international business (IB) theories were developed …Read more »

Research Seminar by Prof. STEPHEN ZHANG

IIM K hosted its ninth research seminar on November 2, 2023, for the year 2023-24. It was conducted by Prof. STEPHEN ZHANG, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Adelaide, Australia. The topic was Boon or bane having overconfident founder-CEOs for firm performance? The role of firm dynamic capability and CEO risk-taking The abstract of the talk is given below. The literature …Read more »

Research Seminar by Prof.GOPAL KRISHNAN

The eighth research Seminar of the academic year 2023-24 was conducted by GOPAL KRISHNAN, Professor of Accounting and the coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Accounting at Bentley University, USA on the topic Do Female Friendly Boards Mitigate Gender Pay Gap Among Directors? Abstract of the talk  Gender pay gap is a detriment to economic growth. We examine whether there is a difference …Read more »


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