Tag Archives: seminar

“Development of managerial competencies in MBA programs”: Research Seminar by Prof. Naveen Amblee, IIMK

— An empirical study of the curriculum of IIM Kozhikode and leading American programs Prof. Naveen Amblee of IIM Kozhikode carried out an empirical study of the Top-60 MBA programs in the United States and the curriculum of IIMK to see how far they are equipped to deliver the key managerial competencies to graduates. Do their core curricula meet the established …Read more »

‘C-suite Inequality and Firm Performance’: IIMK Research Seminar by Prof. Khalid Nainar, McMaster University, Ontario

Prof. S. M. Khalid Nainar, Professor of Accounting and Financial Management Services, McMaster University, Ontario specializes in insider trading and ethical attitudes in experimental asset markets, energy issues particularly oil markets, rationality of financial analysts’ forecasts and accounting measures of price and volume volatility. He is also an accomplished instructor, having won many awards for his teaching performance. Watch his …Read more »

IIMK Research Seminar: ‘Promoting Change from the Outside: Externally Managing Environmental Improvement Projects’ by Prof. Suvrat Dhanorkar, Penn State University, USA [Video]

(Conducted on 14 July 2016 at IIM Kozhikode) Prof. Suvrat Dhanorkar is Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University. Watch the seminar here: ‘Promoting Change from the Outside: Externally Managing Environmental Improvement Projects’  

“In Pursuit of Academic Excellence: Maximizing the Impact of Your Research”: Research Seminar by Shri M. G. Sreekumar, IIMK [Video]

Watch below an informative talk on maximizing the impact of research by Shri M. G. Sreekumar, Chief Librarian & Information Officer, Library & Information Centre, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode– delivered at IIM Kozhikode on 7 July 2016.

IIMK Research Seminar: Prof. Ganesh Janakiraman on ‘Analysis of Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual Sourcing Inventory Systems’ [Video]

IIM Kozhikode on 04 July 2016 conducted a research seminar presented by Prof. Ganesh Janakiraman, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, US on ‘Analysis of Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual Sourcing Inventory System’. Watch the entire seminar here: Part-1 Part-2


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