Research seminar by Prof. Alex Fenton
IIM K hosted its Thirteenth research seminar on February 18, 2025, for the year 2024-25. It was conducted by Prof. Alex Fenton, Associate Dean for International for the Faculty of Science, Business and Enterprise and Associate Professor of Digital Transformation at the University of Chester, UK.
The topic was Going global – How to take your research international through netnography and digital transformation.
Abstract of the talk given below
Netnography is now a well-established way of conducting Internet based and social media ethnography. Founded 25 years ago by Professor Robert Kozinets, it is the most established branch of ethnography designed with clear steps to robustly research online communities. From his own doctoral studies of Star Trek online communities, Professor Kozinets realised there was no guide for conducting online ethnography, so he sought to create one. Netnography has grown to be highly credible and published in a wide range of the world’s top journals. From one of the co-founders of the global netnography conference Netnocon, Dr. Alex explores how to use netnography and social media data to understand global audiences. We explore how netnography can take various forms from qualitative research through capturing key moments of social media and field notes in an immersion journal to combining with other data such as surveys or interviews. Collecting international data in this way can open doors to publishing in international journals, conferences and residences at global Universities. Dr. Alex also explores the idea of taking your research on the road and being resident at a UK University as visiting researcher and faculty. In addition, the talk explores the idea of creating thought leadership and using professional social media channels such as LinkedIn to create new opportunities and to enhance your personal online brand.