NSE – IGIDR Corporate Governance Research Initiative Call for Research Proposals
July 1, 2016 by
The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) and the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) are collaborating to promote academic research on Corporate Governance in India. The Initiative invites academics and scholars working in the areas of economics, finance, law and management disciplines to submit research proposals that are relevant for understanding, designing and implementing best-practice corporate governance policies. Six projects in total will be selected by the Initiative and a token honorarium of USD 2000 will be paid per project.
Deadline for submitting research proposal: July 31, 2016.
TOPICS OF INTEREST (to the Initiative include but are not limited to:)
- Ownership and control structures, their evolution, minority shareholder rights,the role of large shareholders and institutional investors
- Governance issues in family firms/business groups including the role of internal markets, insider control, relational contracting and succession planning
- Board size, CEO duality, role of independent directors, Board assessment and term limits
- Gender and board diversity
- Auditor and audit committee independence
- Accounting and auditing standards, disclosure practices, transparency, and earnings management
- Related party transactions
- Role of proxy advisors in governance
- Governance of financial institutions and institutional investors
- Governance by financial institutions and institutional investors
- Corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investing
- Governance of public and private sector companies including listed and unlisted companies
- Executive compensation
- Mergers and acquisitions and corporate governance
- Corporate governance index
- Laws, regulations and enforcement
- The role of value, ethics, and trust in governance
Research proposals should be emailed in a single file in pdf format to:
To know more about the procedure of proposal submission, please visit: