Category: Uncategorized

Research Seminar by Prof.GOPAL KRISHNAN

The eighth research Seminar of the academic year 2023-24 was conducted by GOPAL KRISHNAN, Professor of Accounting and the coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Accounting at Bentley University, USA on the topic Do Female Friendly Boards Mitigate Gender Pay Gap Among Directors? Abstract of the talk  Gender pay gap is a detriment to economic growth. We examine whether there is a difference …Read more »


A research Seminar was conducted by VG SRIDHARAN, PAUL CORAM & YALIN HAN on the topic Does Incentive Compensation Motivate Senior Managers to Approve Radical New Product Development Projects? An Experimental Investigation. The abstract of the talk is as follows, Agency theory asserts that senior managers’ behaviours can be aligned with the firms’ goals through incentive compensation plans. The persistent evidence that stock …Read more »

Research Seminar by Prof. Vijaya Bhaskar Marisetty

Sixth research seminar of the academic year was conducted at IIMK on 04th September 2023. The topic of the seminar was “”Is Blockchain beneficial for Banks? Evidence from the Ripple Network Adoption”. The abstract of the talk is as follows The adoption of blockchain technology, due to its apparent benefits relating to no reconciliation issues, speed of transaction through smart …Read more »

Research Seminar by Prof. VG Venkatesh

The 5th research seminar of 2023-24 academic session was held at IIMK on 31st August 2023. The topic of the seminar was “A Primer for an Impactful Research Journey A Research Interaction”.  The abstract of the talk is as follows Research in the academic domain is changing into a new realm, warranting the emphasis on the impact element over the …Read more »

Research Seminar by Prof. MANPREET SINGH HORA

Topic: BUYER-SUPPLIER NETWORKS AND INNOVATION: THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGICAL DISTANCE Abstract of the presentation  This study focuses on available technological knowledge in a firm’s global supplier network and examines factors that accrue innovation benefits from such knowledge for a buyer firm. Using absorptive capacity as a theoretical lens, we specifically examine technological distance, technological breadth, and extent of global sourcing, and …Read more »


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